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August 9, 2017
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Blog Post July 2017
I write this on the way to KC, as we begin the sojourn to recruit our second class of residents. It has been a great month of orientation for our first class. Andrea, Kirsten, Zeena, Jessie, Leo and Ray have done a myriad of activities as they pioneer in our residency. There is only one “first ever” group of residents, and they are special. I would guesstimate they have participated in about 50 different scheduled sessions. These functions range from seeing patients (real and simulated!) to skills testing and enhancement. They have developed a resident wellness curriculum, gone on a windshield survey of the community, learned about our longitudinally integrated underserved curriculum and gone bicycling in the San Juan Islands. They also used team skills to successfully solve the clues and escape a locked room. Another orientation highlight was running a clinic in the Skagit Valley migrant camp, where the residents saw and helped farmworkers, who are the backbone of agriculture in Washington. Although most of the other orientation activities are indoors, the residents have enjoyed our stellar summer weather, as we just reached 40 days without rain. They went boating in Skagit Bay, catching some delicious Dungeness crabs.
Today, they started their first of 12 four week rotations, from inpatient obstetrics to outpatient dermatology. We also began our weekly Society for Teachers of Family Medicine RCR didactics, where the residents learn (actively!) by case based discussions of relevant core family medicine topics. This is interspersed with simulation learning at the Providence hospital SIM lab, another great way to incorporate the Brain Rules for maximal retention.
Providence hospital in Everett (30 minutes north of Seattle) is welcoming our residents with open arms. We are the only residency in this 500 bed community hospital. There is very robust OB, medicine and ED activity, making for strong training.
Dr. Jose Mata, our associate Program Director, Dr. Raymond Aguilar, a resident and Daniel Byrd, Director of Medical Education join me in KC at the NCFMR&MS. We look forward to meeting medical students who have a desire to train in a FQHC Community Health Center residency with a goal of practicing full spectrum family medicine (OB and inpatient family medicine hospital work), working with and advocating for the underserved, with a future career in community health.
We are accepting queries from medical students that want to spend some time rotating with us, from August- January. These are 2-4 week 4th year rotations in our Marysville clinic, with some potential for inpatient OB exposure, if desired. Please email us if potentially interested.
Greg Sanders MD