A Message from the Program Director

Posted on July 20, 2016 with 0 comments


Dr. Sanders promoting the residency at the LMSA National Conference in Pomona, CA

Our residency team is gearing up as we get closer to matching our first class of residents! Our new Family Medicine Residency is looking for applicants interested in a career in community health, with full-spectrum training. Our CHC setting is ideal for training residents to achieve this goal. We also strongly support underrepresented minority candidates, a significant percentage of our patients identify as Hispanic/Latino.

Currently our core faculty members are hard at work on curriculum development. They are working with Family Medicine and specialty “champions” in the community and hospital, developing the first and second year rotations. We are also incorporating a longitudinal curriculum that trains residents in working with the underserved. This part of the curriculum will begin during orientation next summer. Our primary hospital partner, Providence Regional Medical Center Everett, is very excited about the residency and they are making preparations for the various inpatient rotations. We have created our block schedule so that there is extra OB and Internal Medicine training, so you will feel very comfortable managing patients in the hospital after graduation- in almost any community setting. You will be the only residents in the hospital!

This past year I completed a University of Washington Faculty Development Fellowship, and my project was to create simulations for commonly encountered medical situations. The hospital simulation lab is gearing up to run a number of these SIMs with our residents. These active learning sessions will reinforce team based care and be a lot of fun.

We are remodeling our residency home and main family medicine clinic, in Marysville. There will be a 25 person conference room, where we will have our weekly block didactics. We are using the STFM core family medicine “active learning” subject materials, which minimize power point time, and maximize group discussions.

We are thrilled to welcome Tami Soderberg, our newly hired Residency Program Coordinator! Tami is a Snohomish County local who worked at Providence and another hospital in our county, doing provider credentialing for many years. She has shared our vision to have a family medicine residency in our area, even before we met her! Tami likes spending time with her family and supporting the Seahawks. She is looking forward to meeting you during interview season.

Finally, we are off to the NCFMR in Kansas City next week, we look  forward to seeing many of you at our booth, #2018, in WWAMI row.

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