There is a mandatory half-day of didactics weekly. These didactics sessions are developed using a new curriculum by Family Medicine educators, vetted and managed by the Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors and the Society for Teachers of Family Medicine as well as topics chosen by faculty for their relevancy to Family Medicine. These primarily case-based, high-quality core topics are taught in didactics and during core inpatient rotations. The physicians involved have a strong interest in teaching. Our faculty use a variety of resources to support their teaching acumen. Regular resident feedback helps us continually improve and adjust didactic content. We have a repeating 18 month curriculum.
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Curriculum Overview
The competency-based curriculum content is organized by resident year. The curriculum includes presentations, facilitators’ guides, cases for discussion, and quizzes for more than 120 residency topics, with more being added weekly. Family Medicine faculty, and sometimes specialists, present didactics. Sports medicine is taught every other month for four hours as is our OB didactics. Senior residents have the opportunity to present some of these didactics. All residents have access to robust UW Helplinks medical resources, including Up To Date.
Journal Club is held every 6-8 weeks. Discussions are both faculty and resident led, however topics are chosen by residents. We realize the importance of continuing medical education and strive to be physicians who incorporate evidence-based medicine into their practice.